Planning Applications: Why Do They Go to Public Consultation? - Granite Building Warranties

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Planning Applications: Why Do They Go to Public Consultation?

Planning applications often go to public consultation for several important reasons:

1. Transparency and Accountability:

Public consultation keeps the decision-making process open and transparent. It lets the public and stakeholders give input and raise concerns about proposed developments, ensuring decisions aren’t made behind closed doors.

2. Identifying Potential Issues and Impacts:

Public input can help spot issues or impacts that might have yet to be considered initially. Residents and community groups often have valuable local knowledge that can highlight these potential problems.

3. Gathering Diverse Perspectives:

Consulting the public brings in a range of viewpoints from residents, businesses, interest groups, and experts. This variety leads to more balanced and well-informed decisions.

4. Improving Proposal Quality:

Feedback from the community can lead to changes or improvements in the proposals, resulting in better project designs that meet community needs and reduce negative impacts.

5. Increasing Public Acceptance and Compliance:

The final decision gains legitimacy when the public is involved in the decision-making process. Often, this leads to greater acceptance and voluntary compliance with the approved plans.

6. Legal and Regulatory Requirements:

Public consultation is legally required in many areas for certain types of planning applications. Skipping this step can lead to legal challenges or delays.

7. Building Trust and Relationships:

Good public consultation builds trust and positive relationships between developers, planning authorities, and local communities. This can make project implementation smoother and foster better cooperation in the future.

While public consultation can take time and resources, it is crucial for a fair, transparent, and inclusive planning process that balances different interests and minimises conflicts.

Do All Planning Applications Go to Public Consultation?

No, not all planning applications require public consultation. It depends on the scale and potential impact of the proposed development.

When Public Consultation is Required:

  • Major Developments:
  • Larger projects like big residential complexes, commercial buildings, or infrastructure projects usually require public consultation.
  • Developments with Significant Impact:
  • Proposals likely to significantly impact the local community, environment, or infrastructure often need public consultation.
  • Listed Buildings or Conservation Areas:
  • Projects involving listed buildings or sites in conservation areas generally require public consultation.
  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA):
  • Developments that need an EIA usually involve public consultation as part of the assessment process.
  • Local Authority Requirements:
  • Some local planning authorities have specific rules requiring public consultation for certain developments, even if they’re not major projects.

When Public Consultation is Not Required:

  • Householder Applications:
  • Applications for extensions, alterations, or minor works to existing homes typically do not require public consultation.
  • Minor Developments:
  • Small-scale projects that fall below the thresholds for major developments and are unlikely to have a significant impact usually don’t require public consultation.
  • Permitted Development:
  • Some types of development, under permitted development rights, don’t need full planning permission and usually don’t involve public consultation.

Even for smaller projects, local planning authorities might notify immediate neighbours or provide limited consultation if necessary. Applicants should check with their local planning authority to understand their proposal’s consultation requirements.

What Happens When a Planning Application Goes to Public Consultation?

When a planning application goes to public consultation, the following typically occurs:

1. Public Notification:

The local planning authority publicises the application and invites public comments. This is done by posting site notices near the proposed site and publishing notices in local newspapers. These notifications include details about the proposed development, where to view the application documents, and how to submit comments within a specified period (usually 21 days).

2. Public Comments and Representations:

Residents, community groups, and other interested parties can submit written comments or representations. These can express support or objections, raise concerns about impacts, suggest modifications, or provide additional information.

3. Consultation with Statutory Consultees:

The planning authority consults certain statutory bodies, such as highways authorities and environmental agencies, to get expert advice on specific aspects of the proposal.

4. Public Meetings or Exhibitions:

For larger or more controversial developments, the applicant may hold public meetings or exhibitions to present the proposal and gather feedback. These events allow for direct engagement and allow the public to voice their opinions.

5. Consideration of Comments and Responses:

After the consultation period, the planning authority reviews all comments and representations, along with advice from statutory consultees. The applicant may need to address specific concerns, leading to changes or revisions in the proposal.

6. Decision-Making Process:

The planning officer or committee evaluates the application, taking into account the consultation responses, policy considerations, and other relevant factors. A report summarising the key issues and recommending approval or refusal is prepared. The planning authority makes the final decision, either by delegated officers or the planning committee at a public meeting.

Public consultation ensures transparency, accountability, and community involvement in planning decisions, leading to more informed and balanced outcomes.

Planning Approval

Once your plans have been approved then it is time to get your New Build Warranty in place before construction takes place.


Planning Applications: Why Do They Go to Public Consultation, is part of our A Guide To Making A Planning Application

More on Pre Application Discussions and how a case officer can help with planning.


For more information, please contact Ed or Kelly on 01284 365345 or email /

References Sources

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